
A Stepmother’s Märchen Prologue 0.3

I seem to have fallen asleep while leaning against the window. When I opened my eyes, the pale, bluish light of daybreak had already arrived. It is the time I usually wake up.

It’s snowing outside. I’m surprised to see that my reflection on the fogging, white frosted window, looked like that of an old man.

Haa, then again, it’s not too much of a surprise. Because I always feel like an old man. Even though I’m still only twenty-three years old, I feel like I’m an elderly who is already sixty years of age. People say that they become wise with age but I don’t know what ‘wise’ is, I only feel like just giving up. Anyway, it’s snowing. Leon and Rachel will love it…. Ah, those times are over now. 

When the children were young, the four of them would run out to the yard and play whenever it snowed like this. Jeremy would run through the snow with the dogs and the twins would build a snowman while Elias would make snowballs and throw them everywhere. And I used to watch them play through the window here, in this very spot. 

It’s funny. Ridiculously funny. I’ve known this for a long time- know that my place did not exist among them since the very beginning, but it’s now that I’m getting upset. 

“Madam, are you awake? Shall I go fetch your tea?”

“Yes, please…. And Gwen, I have a favor to ask of you.”

The wedding of the century, which had set the people of the empire buzzing from a few months ago , will begin momentarily. What a splendid and dazzling scene it will be. It will be starkly different from my marriage, which was completed through a simple signing of a document and making the wedding pledges.

I bet all the guests will be unable to take their eyes off of the bride and groom. Even the groom’s family. Their eyes will literally be crying rivers…… 

Probably the only good thing I recognize about myself is that I know how to accept the fact that it’s over when it’s over.

I had felt sorry for Leon and Rachel, who were devastated to have lost their parents at an early age. Elias, who was always mischievous and spiteful but I couldn’t hate him. And……… the one who always left my heart anxious and on edge, Jeremy.

You never knew. In the past, when you had a high fever and nearly walked through the door of death, I spent countless nights taking care of you by your side and even thought that if I could trade my life in order to save yours, then I would happily do so. I didn’t even know I could ever think that way for someone. 

It is said that to do something in the hopes of receiving a reward is only asking for a wealth of bitterness. So I won’t blame or resent you for anything….. I’m sure you have your own justifiable reasons. 

It’s not that I don’t feel worried. Will he be able to do well even though he’s still so young, I wonder. Will he be able to protect this glorious legacy as his father had once maintained? As I myself had to step into the adult world too early, only worries and anxiety laid ahead of me. 

But that’s none of my business anymore. It’ll be fine, the kids will live well on their own. Who raised them after all!


By the time I arranged everything on the table, Gwen the head maid, Robert the butler, and Albern the knights commander, stood side by side. They are loyal vassals who have served this household for generations and are the only ones I have ever trusted. 

“I will be going down to Heidelberg. I’m going to leave without the kids or anyone else knowing so get ready.”

“Heidelberg….. I understand. But how many days will you be staying there?”

“I won’t be returning.”


The villa in Heidelberg is, in a way, the only place I can claim full ownership of. My husband had given it to me as a wedding gift, although I have only been there once during my honeymoon in the early days.

Anyhow, it goes without saying that the eyes of the three people were as big as saucers as they stared at the table. What lay there were the treasures that I had never let go of in the past seven years: the master key that allows access to every place in the mansion, the box containing the will, and the seal of the family head.

“Ma-Madam, what exactly do you mean?”

“This situation is startling even if the madam is leaving for a period of convalescence, to be frank, but isn’t this quite a bolt out of the blue1?”

“Today is Jeremy’s wedding. My eldest son is getting married so as a mother, shouldn’t I give him a final wedding gift?”


“Because that wicked jerk must be desperately hoping for me to disappear.”

The faces of the three people, who had been trying to dissuade me as I smiled without a hand on my waist, hardened as if simultaneously making a promise. Ha ha, oh come one.

“Relax those expressions. What, it’s the truth though, no?”


“Take care of things while I’m not around…. You all know that, right?”

“But Madam……!”

“Take care of the new madam when she comes, and Jeremy is your new master from now on, so don’t disobey him. As you already know, that guy’s got a hot temper.”

“No, Madam, perish the thought- this is ridiculous. How the Madam raised the young masters and the young lady, surely-2!”

It seems Butler Robert couldn’t hold back anymore and spoke as if it were the mournful cry of someone in the throes of death. I froze for a moment and then, I laughed again.

“I’m glad that you all acknowledge and appreciate it. Still, don’t tell this to the kids, will you? I will surely hate myself for it.”


“Come, come, we don’t have time for this. All three of you go down!”

This is the end of my time and connection here. Phew, I will have to eat well and live well on my own from now on. I’ve never had a real and proper relationship because I’ve been working furiously, so henceforward, I should embark on a new beginning, one step at a time. That’s right, I’ll be okay.

……. Only, as expected, it was just another one of my other delusions.

Dear Lord!

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Translator's Notes

  1. T/L/N: Meaning something is coming out of nowhere.
  2. T/L/N: Meaning Butler Robert knows just how Shuli has taken care of them. This is a statement in response to the one above and to Shuli’s comment on them wanting her gone.