
Unbridled 34

Unbridled - Chapter 34

When Old Lin barged into the dorm, Lin Wuyu was already up, having washed his face and settled in a chair.

"Hey, Wuyu!" Old Lin swung the door wide open.

Lin Wuyu sprang to his feet. If he didn't know better, he might've thought there was trouble.

"Come here," Old Lin said, arms outstretched, "Give your old man a hug."

"Alright, alright, Old Lin," Lin Wuyu gave him a quick hug, "You've got your share of celebrating."

"I figured you'd do well," Old Lin said, patting him on the arm excitedly, "but I never expected you to ace it like this!"

"How high did you think I'd score?" Lin Wuyu grinned.

"Maybe 725? Or even 728? But hey, it's no surprise. They don't call you the 'study god' for nothing… Now, the top three in our school, heck, all from our class! I haven't even checked the top ten yet…"

"Who else made it? Xu Tianbo?" Lin Wuyu's nerves kicked in again, "Another kid from No. 3 High?"

"Xu Tianbo got second with 720. I haven't heard the full scores yet. I doubt there'll be a tie in the top three," Old Lin said, "The guy from No. 3 High is a bit of a surprise. He's never been top of the class before, and he's not even regular with classes…"

"What score did he get?" Lin Wuyu cut in, knowing it was probably Ding Ji.

"719, goes by Ding Ji," Old Lin revealed, "Just got the scoop from my buddy at No. 3 High."

Lin Wuyu let out a sigh of relief, leaning against the table. He knew Ding Ji could've done better, considering how laid-back he'd been in previous years, only really buckling down in hospital corridors or on the rooftop. But hey, he managed to catch up and give Xu Tianbo a run for his money. Not bad for a kid who didn't seem to take things seriously.

"Looks like you're gonna be busy in the next few days…" Old Lin lit a cigarette.

"Give it a rest," Lin Wuyu grabbed his phone, debating whether to call Ding Ji or shoot him a text, "This is a dorm, not a hangout spot."

"Why, still aiming for evidence with a snapshot?" Old Lin chuckled, shutting the dorm door and cracking open the window. "I'll sneak a smoke in this thrilling moment… And now that you're a graduate, you're part of the leisurely bunch. Neither of us is keeping tabs on the other."

"Back to being part of the leisurely bunch, huh? Weren't you just boasting about your teaching gig?" Lin Wuyu teased.

Phone call it is, it's faster.

"Roles should swap depending on the scenario," Old Lin grinned. "The school's hoping you'll whip up a speech or some deep thoughts, you know, the inner workings of the 'study god'…"

"Give me a hand with that," Lin Wuyu cut in, uninterested in the task.

What else? Hurry up, I need to make a call.

Old Lin shot him a glance before continuing, "Then there might be some interviews…"

"You handle those for me. Play up your role as the young, promising teacher who nurtured the 'study god'," Lin Wuyu said. "I really… you know me, I'm not keen on participating in this kind of stuff."

"And you've got to give me a photo!" Old Lin insisted. "A dashing lifestyle shot! All I've got is your ID photo and one of you caked in mud from your freshman basketball game! That should do, right? Can you manage?"

"I got it," Lin Wuyu replied, already scrolling through his phone. "I'll send it over, just print it out."

Almost done, I have a call to make, Old Lin.

"You saying I'm not your pops?" Old Lin sighed. "Do I need to fetch your acceptance letter and hand-deliver it to you, worrying it'll get lost?"

"Thanks, bro," Lin Wuyu said. "Seriously, thanks for all these years."

"Don't mention it," Old Lin waved him off. "When you've got a breather, swing by with all the fanfare."

"Will do," Lin Wuyu nodded.

"Stay happy," Old Lin advised. "Lighten up a bit. A lot of pressures can be shrugged off. At your age, you should live carefree."

"Got it," Lin Wuyu said, setting down his phone. Old Lin's words lingered for a good twenty minutes.

"I can't believe it!" Liu Jinpeng's voice on the phone was booming, with a rough edge, "Is this really your score? Truly your score? 719? Seven hundred and nineteen?"

"Yep," Ding Ji rocked back in his chair, unable to hide a hint of pride.

"Unbelievable! Why's this so hard to swallow?" Liu Jinpeng exclaimed, "I've seen you grow up, always so laid-back…"

"Watch it," Ding Ji interjected, "I'm not just a faceless nobody."

"Damn it!" Liu Jinpeng continued, "I never thought you'd be so motivated, considering how lazy you were before!"

"Get lost," Ding Ji chuckled, "You don't know anything."

"Is this top score in No. 3 High? Can you clinch the championship?" Liu Jinpeng inquired, "Is No. 3 High the best in the whole province?"

"You're overthinking it. The school won't buy into that," Ding Ji clicked his tongue.

"What's wrong with the school? They've got a guy named Lin Wuyu… Oh yeah, what did he score?" Liu Jinpeng asked.

"732," Ding Ji revealed Lin Wuyu's score, feeling an odd sense of pride, like a poor man showing off to his equally poor friend about a rich buddy.

"What? 732?" Liu Jinpeng was floored, "Did he use a drone to steal the exam paper?"

Ding Ji laughed heartily, "He's probably gonna be the champ. That score's off the charts."

"Let him treat us to dinner. This calls for a celebration with pals, right? You treat me with 719, and he covers us with 732…" Liu Jinpeng suggested.

"Forget it!" Ding Ji shot back, "I'm not treating you."

"You dare to treat, I dare to eat," Liu Jinpeng joked.

"Enough chit-chat. I've got calls piling up here," Ding Ji said, "I'll catch you at your shop when I can."

"Got it." Liu Jinpeng hung up abruptly.

Since checking the scores, Ding Ji's mood had been all over the place.

He thought he'd hit around 710, but falling just a point shy of 720 was a relief.

Seeing the score, he let out a sigh. He'd put in a solid effort during this last stretch, making his grandparents proud and accomplishing the task at hand.

Regardless of his parents' reaction, he was content with himself.

His grandparents were even happier, not really understanding what made a good score on the college entrance exam, just knowing this was the highest No. 3 High had seen so far. That was enough for them.

Even if Ding Ji scored only 200, they'd still splurge on groceries and cook up a feast tonight.

Ding Ji sat at his desk, gently swaying in his chair, phone in hand, spinning in circles.

He hadn't lied to Liu Jinpeng; his phone had been blowing up, calls, texts, notifications, non-stop.

The class WeChat group was buzzing too.

The news about Lin Wuyu's 732 points had spread like wildfire. People reacted much like Liu Jinpeng, going crazy over it.

But so far, Ding Ji hadn't heard a peep from Lin Wuyu. With such a stellar score and such a big deal, Lin Wuyu hadn't shared the news with him, even after everyone else knew.

Ding Ji furrowed his brow, feeling a bit down.

More than that, he felt embarrassed.

A lot of embarrassment.

I treat you as a friend. I've stuck by you for seven days, and you couldn't share your happiness with me right after you found out?


Ding Ji turned to glance at the half-built bookshelf by the table. Anger surged through him as he kicked it with his foot.

Another call came through, surprising Ding Ji; it was from Shi Xiangyang, that oddball.

He muted the phone and ignored the call. Shi Xiangyang had done well in the exams, but if he was anything like Ding Ji, he probably wasn't in the mood to hear someone else's complaints.

Scumbag! Lin Wuyu, that scumbag! The phone rang again, and Ding Ji glanced at it; it was an unfamiliar landline number. He frowned; he didn't want to deal with acquaintances, let alone unknown callers. He tossed the phone onto the table.

A moment later, he reached for the phone again. Who could be calling now? His heart raced. When he'd given his number to that girl, he didn't expect much…

"Hello?" he answered.

"Is this Ding Ji?" a male voice asked from the other end.

Ding Ji paused. This voice sounded about fifty years old. Had Lin Zhan matured that much?

"Yeah, it's me. Who's this?" Ding Ji replied.

"I'm Mr. Li from the Admissions Office of Universe International University…" the man on the phone said, "You've been accepted to our school…"

Ding Ji's mind was elsewhere, thinking about Lin Zhan, while this man rambled on about scholarships. It took Ding Ji a moment to snap back to reality.

Frustration overwhelmed him. He jumped up and yelled into the phone, "Get lost! What kind of scam is this? Can't you be more professional? Can't your info be accurate? If you're gonna scam, at least do it right! Do you even know my score? Who are you, with your cosmic interstellar nonsense! How dare you call me?"

Before the person on the other end could respond, Ding Ji hung up, tossed the phone back on the table, and, after a moment of silence, couldn't hold back his anger any longer, "Damn!"

When the phone rang again, Ding Ji lost interest in checking it. But then he thought, Lin Wuyu shouldn't be avoiding him. What if it was him calling…

Can't you have a little dignity, Ding Ji?

He picked up the phone, glanced at it, and his heart raced again. He checked the messages, but after the phone rang for twenty seconds, he finally answered, "Hello."

"Have you checked your score?" Lin Wuyu's voice came through the phone.

"What's with the act?" Ding Ji said, "Everyone knows the top scores of the city's high schools by now. Why call me as if you don't know?"

"I just woke up," Lin Wuyu chuckled, "Just found out the score."

"You want me to play along?" Ding Ji said without much enthusiasm.

"Sure," Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji was surprised, "What? Seriously? You really wanna meet?"

"Have you checked your score?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"…Yeah, I have," Ding Ji didn't get why he had to play along.

"How much?" Lin Wuyu's tone suddenly became expectant and curious.

Switching gears so quickly?

Ding Ji felt a sudden rush of excitement and curiosity too, as if he'd just checked his score. "You tell me yours first. What did you get?"

"732," Lin Wuyu said, "I can face myself and anyone with that score."

That hit Ding Ji somewhere deep, and he felt a mix of excitement, joy, relief, and a twinge of sadness. Even his hands shook a bit.

"And you?" Lin Wuyu asked again.

"719," Ding Ji said.

"So, are you crying from frustration?" Lin Wuyu teased, "Your score's lower than mine, and the little prodigy's in tears?"

"Get lost," Ding Ji laughed through his tears, "I genuinely feel… with this score, you can give yourself an explanation and not pressure yourself so much."

"Yeah," Lin Wuyu smiled, "Let's grab a bite."

"Is eating your only bright idea?" Ding Ji said.

"How about a walk?" Lin Wuyu suggested, "To the small square? It's close."

The small square was deserted at this time, bathed in bright sunlight. Except for the basketball court where some folks played, it was empty.

When Lin Wuyu arrived, he spotted Ding Ji sitting on the steps where they'd had their intense encounter before. At his feet sat a large glass bottle of chrysanthemum tea.

"Do you have to bring this bottle to school later?" Lin Wuyu asked as he approached.

"Yeah," Ding Ji nodded, lifting the bottle and taking a sip.

Lin Wuyu looked at Ding Ji's slightly teary eyes, feeling an indescribable emotion. He knew Ding Ji would be excited and happy for his achievements; Ding Ji was kind and sincere. But he never expected Ding Ji to cry.

"Let's hit the milk tea shop first," Ding Ji suggested. "It's too hot here, and sitting with you is like being with a crazy person."

"Are you treating me?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"I'm not treating you," Ding Ji pointed to his pocket where his phone was, "you owe me, remember?"

"Even for milk tea?" Lin Wuyu looked at him. "Is this how young folks repay debts?"

"Young folks these days should be grateful to repay you," Ding Ji clicked his tongue. "Look at Old Liu and his fake girlfriend; he hasn't found anyone yet. I doubt he'll have money for me."

"Did I rush you?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"I know you didn't," Ding Ji frowned, "But I can't help feeling anxious about this."

"Worried I won't afford college?" Lin Wuyu smiled.

"A bit," Ding Ji admitted.

"I've already lined up some gigs," Lin Wuyu said. "I'll swing by after I'm done with college applications."

"You sure you got everything?" Ding Ji glanced at him. "Or… are you gonna crash at your old place first?"

"Yeah," Lin Wuyu nodded. "I'll swing by your spot to grab my stuff before I take off."

"You've got quite the haul," Ding Ji mused. "If you can't lug it all, just leave it. I'll bring it over when I come. My little uncle's always up for a ride."

"Alright," Lin Wuyu continued nodding.

Under normal circumstances, Ding Ji might've considered tagging along, especially since they'd planned to fly a drone together. But Ding Ji wasn't entertaining such thoughts now. Since he'd returned, Lin Wuyu hadn't reached out again. If he wasn't even allowing Ding Ji to help with the luggage now, Lin Wuyu felt their friendship might be on shaky ground.

The milk tea joint still boasted the same snacks and drinks. Ding Ji placed his order at the counter, listening to Liang Chun's non-stop praises: "Ding Ji, I can't believe it. Liu Jinping blabbed about your sky-high score, 419? Incredible!"

"What's with you, daydreaming all the time?" Ding Ji sighed. "It's 719. Liu Jinping's mouth runs like a motor."

"Wow! That's amazing! My treat today, order whatever you like," Liang Chun insisted.

"No need for that," Ding Ji declined.

"It won't break the bank," Liang Chun grinned. "Stop pretending your friendship's on the rocks!"

"Fine, I'll pick a few things then," Ding Ji pointed at the menu, selecting a variety of snacks and drinks. Given his appetite, he wouldn't need to eat after polishing these off, but Lin Wuyu probably could.

Ding Ji glanced back at Lin Wuyu sitting under the umbrella.

Lin Wuyu caught his eye and flashed a smile.

As Ding Ji approached with the milk tea, Liang Chun's words echoed in his mind.

"Don't make it look like you're faking it with your friendship."

That feeling.

Is it fake? My relationship with Lin Wuyu.

He didn't have the guts to tell Lin Wuyu he wanted to go with him, whether for fun or just to get acquainted with the school. Even lending a hand to Lin Wuyu would've been fine. He just wanted to go. But he couldn't bring himself to say it; it'd feel weird.

Lin Wuyu seemed to be in a similar boat.

He didn't buy that Lin Wuyu had genuinely forgotten about the little bookshelf promise, but Lin Wuyu never brought it up. Was he afraid that if he asked and Ding Ji hadn't made it, things would get awkward? Or did he simply not want Ding Ji to bother?

Slouching back in his seat, Ding Ji propped his chin on his fingers, gazing at Lin Wuyu.

Why did this relationship suddenly become so awkward? I’ve never experienced such a strange relationship with anyone before.

"What's on your mind?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Don't you still want that bookshelf?" Ding Ji inquired.