Demon Bookshop

Demon Bookshop 8

Demon Bookshop - Chapter 8 - Mimi’s Lamb Skewers1

While organizing the newly arrived books, Paul glanced at the boss and asked in a roundabout manner, “Boss, I’m asking something just in case…”


“What is it?”


“…It’s nothing.”


‘Can I go eat lamb skewers with Pablo two days later?’


No matter how Paul thought about it, the boss would never allow him. Even though Pablo said he would take him back to the bookshop, there was no way the boss would allow him to go to the lamb skewer place alone in the evening. It might be possible if he invited him.


But how could he talk openly with Pablo if he went together with the boss? After all, he heard that the best side dish was stories about one’s superiors. Of course, Paul had been running Kshatrit alone, so he had never experienced them himself even though he had been imagining it. So, he was about to say something to the boss, but eventually gave up and kept quiet.


But surprisingly, it was the boss who spoke up first.


“Paul, I think we’ll have to take a break from the bookshop in two days.”


“What? In two days? Why?”


“I have a book I need, so I’m going to another town. You can come with me if you want.”


“How long will it take?”


“We might come back that night at the earliest and the next day if we’re late.”


“Then I’ll just rest in my room and read some books! I’ve been a little tired lately, so it will be great to get my dark circles down.”


“Yeah. Don’t go out and just stay in the bookshop since it’s dangerous.”


“Of course!” Paul replied with joy in his heart. This was a chance given by heaven. Contrary to his answer, Paul planned to go out without the boss knowing and come back later.


The starting point of the lamb skewer incident that day was as follows.




“Pablo-nim! What? Ia-nim, too?”


Paul, who saw Pablo coming in with the book he ordered, ran excitedly while holding a notebook and was startled to see Ia coming in after him. He recalled what Ia said the last time they met.


‘Just wait and see.’


Paul hurried to hide behind the boss.


“Hey, don’t look at the Fomor or the wolf. Pretend that we’re close. Smile, quickly.”


Ia threatened in a small voice, putting her arm around Paul’s shoulder. Paul was shorter than his male peers, and Ia was one of the taller female humans, so their heights matched perfectly.


“I understand… Please just don’t hit me. If you hit me, I’ll scream and tell Pablo-nim.”


Paul did as he was told, intimidated by Ia’s threatening gaze. As they avoided the boss’s and Pablo’s eyes and came out of the bookshop, she smiled and relaxed her shoulders.


“Hey, I’m here to tell you something good.”


“What is it?”


“Don’t you have a dinner appointment with the wolf? It’d be perfect in two days. No, you must go in two days no matter what!”


“Why? What day is it two days from now?”


“Oh, there’s surely something~ I’m saying this as I’ve looked into everything.”


“Ia-nim saying it like that is very suspicious, you know?”


“No, I mean… What is it… It’s just that wolf’s payday. Don’t you think you should get at least something on his payday?”


The naive Paul accepted Ia’s sly remarks. He did feel like having expensive lamb skewers only on payday, when his wallet was full, would ease his guilty conscience.


‘I wonder if even the young master of the Wolf Merchant Guild has a payday’, Ia thought to herself while looking at Paul who seemed convinced.


“But will the boss allow me to go out? There was also the bandit incident…” Paul blurted out when he suddenly remembered that the bandit was right in front of him, but Ia replied as if she did not care a bit.


“Sorry, but I can’t do anything about it either. You’ll have to figure it out yourself. I’ll let the wolf know once the date is set.”

“Okay. Let me ask the boss. Please tell Pablo-nim for me, Ia-nim.”


Thanks to Ia’s help and the boss’s absence at the right time, the lamb skewer appointment was quickly arranged.


“I’m here!”


Two days later, Pablo’s carriage stopped in front of the bookshop at the appointed time. Paul waved excitedly at him. However, Pablo’s pale face did not look good.


“Pablo-nim, are you okay…? Are you hurting anywhere? We can postpone our plan.”


“I’m alright. Please don’t worry. Also, our merchant guild always keeps the promise we make,” Pablo replied with a faint smile. Paul, who was worried, approached him to touch his forehead as the boss had done before, but he quickly turned away to avoid it.


“I’m sorry, Teeter-nim. I’m just a bit… well… sensitive today. I’ve reserved the seats, so please get on quickly.”


Paul was puzzled by Pablo’s reaction but got on the carriage. They had to hurry back to the bookshop before the boss came back.


On the running carriage, Paul got lost in thought. Moires was beautiful when dusk fell. The sunset covered the grey river and the village with warm orange light. The mountain breeze tickled his cheeks, making him feel better again.


“By the way, Pablo-nim, how old are you?”


“I’m twenty years old, Teeter-nim.”


“Really? I’m twenty, too! Why don’t we just talk casually?”


“Please do so if Teeter-nim wants to. But I can’t do that in our Merchant Guild because it’s prohibited to speak casually to our clients.”


“I see. Then I won’t either.”


Well, Pablo-nim uses honorifics even with Ia-nim. Paul quickly accepted it and chatted about something else. As the carriage left Moires and ran a little further, it eventually stopped in front of a restaurant. The red lanterns hanging from the building created an exotic feeling.




“Mimi, right?”


“You didn’t forget this time.”


“No, I didn’t! I read it in demon language. Isn’t this all thanks to the great teacher?” Paul said jokingly. Pablo also grinned and then opened the door for him.


“ยินดีต้อนรับ!” (Welcome!) A woman in a red qipao standing at the entrance greeted them with a brightly lit face. The restaurant was already buzzing with demons who were occupying the seats. Perhaps because of the slightly chaotic atmosphere, none of the demons seemed to care that Paul was human.


“Wow, it’s so delicious! How come it’s so tender and doesn’t have a bad smell at all? This place really deserves Pablo-nim’s approval as a top-notch restaurant.”


“I won’t take them from you, so please eat slowly.”


Pablo scooped some sauce for Paul, who happily stuffed his mouth with lamb skewers.


‘It’s amazing. How can so much food fit in that small body?’Empty skewers were piled up in front of Paul. Pablo could not help but admire them and reached out to tidy them up.




Suddenly, his hand touched Paul’s, which was putting down an empty skewer. Pablo withdrew his hand in surprise like before, reacting as if he had been burned by a hot fire. Paul, who felt awkward by Pablo’s behaviour, glanced over the nearby table.


“Would you like a drink, Teeter-nim?”Pablo quickly said after seeing Paul’s gaze fixed on the beer with a lot of foam on the adjacent table.


“Good! How about a beer? Do you drink too, Pablo-nim?”


“It’s alright.”


“Can’t you just drink a little? I’m happy to be hanging out with a friend like this after a long time, Pablo-nim~”


Pablo was slightly shaken by Paul’s pleading tone. In fact, he had been struggling to keep his composure since earlier but eventually managed to pull himself together.


“I’m sorry. Drunk driving is strictly prohibited in our merchant guild.”


“Oh, well, then there’s nothing we can do about it. Please join me with a non-alcoholic drink instead!”




A cool beer and a drink were brought and placed on the table. Paul then slowly began to drink.


“What can’t be left out when eating lamb skewers?”


“A beer.”


“Exactly! Cheers!”


The same-age peers hit it off. Paul made a toast to Pablo, forgetting that he had to go back before the boss came. One glass turned into two, two turned into three and eventually four. He, who was not a good drinker, became tipsy just by drinking beer.


“…So I asked him, ‘Did you know everything?’ And he said yes. See~ If so, he should have at least given me a hint.”


“That was definitely insensitive of the boss.”


“That’s right! Pablo-nim is the only one who understands how I feel. Anyway, so I asked, ‘Since Boss is also a man, I’m sure you must like pretty women, right?’ But he answered, ‘I’m not interested.’ Maybe he’s never dated before. No, now that I think about it, does that mean that he’s not interested in women?”


“That is possible.”


“Oh! Actually, I don’t think gender is important in love. I have a favourite book which is also about homosexual love. Nothing has inspired me more than this book so far.”


Paul, who had been chatting enthusiastically, refilled his empty glass with beer. It was fortunate that Pablo-nim was not drinking. It seemed they would be able to safely return to the bookshop today. Surely, even the boss wouldn’t get angry in front of Pablo-nim, right?


Just then, Pablo cautiously spoke up.


“I have a favour to ask you, Teeter-nim.”


“Please tell me. For Pablo-nim, I’ll do everything except getting fired by our boss. That’s impossible for me even if I’m reborn.”


“Could you…?”


“Huh? I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you. It’s too loud in here.”


Paul leaned in close to Pablo’s face to listen to what he was saying. Pablo’s tail flinched slightly, however, he did not turn his head to avoid Paul like he had done before.


“Teeter-nim, could you touch my tail again?”




Pablo’s serious expression and his casual comment made Paul spit out the beer he was drinking.


Another five days before two days ago, Pablo, who returned with Ia from Kshatrit, hurried to the room inside the Merchant Guild.


“Neruda-noonim, do you have a minute?”


“Pablo? What’s wrong?”


“I have something to ask you.”


She raised her head from the ledger she was looking at when Pablo spoke. With her healthy-looking tanned skin, she had a pretty face with striking features like him. Large wolf ears were attached to her long grey hair.


“What is it? Was there a problem with the transactions this time?”


“No, it’s not that. It’s a personal matter.”


“Personal? Seeing that you have a personal matter to ask me, it must have been something big.”


She was so surprised by Pablo’s following words that she closed the ledger altogether.


“Well… Someone touched my tail and it felt strange.”


“What?! Someone touched your tail? Who the hell?”


“I’m sorry, but it’s a secret. More importantly, is it supposed to feel my heart racing like this when they touch my tail? I thought you might know because you have a partner.”


T/N: Could be a pet owner. I’ll look into the later chapters if there are any mentions.


Neruda was lost in thought for a moment after hearing Pablo.


“I think just like how different beastmen look different, their reactions might vary as well. In my case, I feel at peace when he touches me. I don’t have the same reaction as you did.”


“I see. Then just in case… could noonim try touching my tail?”


“What?! Are you serious?”


“Yes, please.”


Neruda knew better than anyone else that Pablo was not the type to joke around.


“Yeah, well, it’s not like it’s going to cost me any gold. Don’t hit me with your tail if you don’t feel good.”


Soon, Neruda’s hand went up to Pablo’s wolf tail, but there was no reaction like before. Rather, it felt a little uncomfortable to feel the touch of another person, even if they were a family member that he shared blood with him. She noticed Pablo’s change in expression and quickly withdrew her hand.


“But who the hell touched you in the first place? Which beastman tribe? Or could it be a demon? Is it a woman you’ve been thinking about?”


Pablo pondered over Neruda’s barrage of questions. First of all, Paul was neither a beastman, a demon, nor a woman. He was simply an incredibly kind human who studied the demon language diligently.


“Aren’t you going to tell this noonim? It’s making me a little upset. Do they look pretty to you?”


‘Well, Teeter-nim is pretty good-looking, and there are times when he looks cute.’ Pablo thought as he drew Paul’s milky face in his mind, but he did not answer again this time.




She clapped her hands as something came to her mind. It was the same habit as her younger brother, Pablo.


“Then why don’t we try this? Let the girl who touched your tail do it again, then you’ll be more sure if the reaction at the time is temporary or not. If your heart still races like it did then, I don’t think it will be easy to dismiss.”


“Sounds like a good idea.”


“But try to avoid that day no matter how curious you are.”


“Yes, noonim.”


“Come to think of it, isn’t that day in a week? Leave the delivery to another employee and rest at home.”


“Yes, noonim. Thank you for your concern. I’ll be on my way now.”


Pablo saw Ia’s back who was walking away quickly as he stepped outside the room. He was puzzled but went on his way. Ia, who had overheard their conversation, was giggling silently while moving away.


Beastmen go into a rut periodically. When that day comes, even small skinship can easily arouse their body. Although drugs exist, they do not completely suppress the rut. Pablo was planning to rest at home as Neruda had said until Paul set the date for the appointment to today.


“Tail? Ay~ What kind of request is that? I really like your tail! Lego gets really annoyed when I touch its tail, so it’s great to hear that!”


Paul became excited and moved to sit next to Pablo as soon as the word ‘tail’ came up. Pablo did not avoid him. Fortunately, the effects of the drug he had taken at the meeting still remained, suppressing his instinct of ‘that day’.


“But is it okay for me to touch your tail? From Ia-nim’s reaction at that time, it might not be a good idea.”


“…Then should we quit and go back to the carriage?”


“What? Why?”


“It’s time to go home.”


“Oh, right! How come time flies so fast?”


Paul looked around. Indeed, the customers had left one by one, so the restaurant was now quieter than before.


“ลาก่อน!” (We’ll take care of the bill!) 


As Pablo approached, the female employees moved busily and spoke” “Isn’t that wolf guy so handsome? His eyes, nose, and lips look good, but his lip line, in particular, is a work of art.” 


“I think that human is cuter. He looks prettier than a woman. It’s really weird to hear a man’s voice coming from that face.”


They were secretly complimenting Pablo and Paul while stealing glances at them. Pablo, who had sharp ears, tried to ignore them. On the other hand, Paul, who knew nothing, picked up two candies from the checkout counter, putting one in his mouth and handed another to Pablo.


“Pablo-nim, it was so delicious! Now, whatever anyone says, lamb skewers are the best at Mimi!”


“I’m glad it suited your taste. Well then, let’s leave before it gets too late.”


Pablo drove the carriage back the way they had come. There was no one on the street heading to Moires at night. The carriage ran faster than before, and only the bright moonlight shone on them.


“Let’s eat lamb ribs and double-cooked pork next time! I will definitely buy… Achoo!”


Since the carriage was open on all sides, the cold night breeze touched Paul’s skin. He sneezed softly while he was talking. Then, Pablo covered him with his tail like a blanket. His warmth was conveyed through his large tail.


‘I want Teeter-nim to touch me.’


Although Pablo had asked Paul to stop, he secretly hoped that he would touch him. Not knowing Pablo’s restless heart, Paul stroked it carefully. Today, it was much warmer and softer than last time.




Pablo’s excitement began to rise over Paul’s actions. At the same time, his heart pounded like crazy. He was embarrassed as he recalled what Neruda had said.


“If your heart still races like it did then, I don’t think will be easy to dismiss.”


But then, an even more unexpected problem arose. Pablo’s animal instincts began to return, perhaps because the drug’s effect had worn off.


“Wait a minute, Teeter-nim!” Pablo’s breathing became rough. He had been feeling a constant rush of blood to one place since earlier.


“What? Why?”


But it was too late. Paul, who was still intoxicated, nuzzled his face into Pablo’s tail. Pablo, whose vision had become dizzy, stopped the carriage in a hurry.




The horses stopped as Pablo seized the reins. If he had turned in the wrong direction, the carriage would have crashed into a tree on the side of the road. Paul did not fly out of the carriage this time either thanks to his grip.


“Are you alright? Was there something on the road? Thank you for grabbing me.”


As Pablo wrapped his arms around Paul’s waist, he ended up holding him close in his embrace. Paul, feeling a little embarrassed, hurried away from Pablo. However, Pablo quickly grabbed him and pulled him towards himself.


“Pablo-nim? What are you….”


Paul could not continue his words because of Pablo’s sudden action. His big eyes grew wider as if they were about to pop out. Pablo’s thin lips covered Paul’s. Under Pablo’s rough breath, their kiss was urgent and desperate. He devoured Paul’s lips like a thirsty man who had found an oasis.


“This, what…” Paul, who was taken aback, involuntarily opened his mouth and spoke. Pablo’s tongue did not miss the opportunity and entered his mouth.


As Paul had difficulty breathing, he tried to push Pablo back again, but Pablo tied both of his hands with one hand. His large hand was enough to hold Paul’s small hands. With his hands tied and unable to think normally due to the influence of alcohol, Paul could only let Pablo’s tongue explore his mouth. Perhaps because of the other party’s heat, the glasses Paul was wearing began to fog up.


Meanwhile, a sweet taste of candy emerged as they kissed. Paul, who was staring blankly, finally closed his eyes.


Pablo, who was completely caught up in the atmosphere, roughly wrapped his arms around Paul’s waist. He caressed his body and slowly moved his hand down. Paul felt tickled and burned at the same time as if dozens of ants were moving along with his hand. Finally, his hand reached Paul’s pelvis.




Surprised, Paul bit Pablo’s tongue, and a bitter taste of blood emerged in their mouths. Both of them finally came to their senses.


‘What did I just do?!’


Pablo, who had pinned Paul down, was even more surprised and could not close his mouth. He blamed himself for letting go of the string of reason the moment he hugged Paul. Although it was that day, he could not forgive himself for his actions. He hurriedly bowed his head to Paul and apologized. “I-I’m sorry. I must have gone crazy…”


“Ah… Pablo-nim, it’s so late now… Go quickly…”


“I’m so sorry…”


Pablo could not even bring himself to look at Paul. He apologized for a long time before he managed to pull the carriage. They did not say anything to each other. Fortunately, the carriage soon arrived at the bookshop, and Paul went inside with a dazed expression without saying goodbye.




The bookshop was quiet. The boss did not seem to be back yet. Paul had originally planned to wash up and go to bed right away to end the perfect crime if the boss was not there. However, he could not move his feet as they were frozen in place. He stood there and touched his slightly swollen lips.


“So a kiss tastes like green grapes…”

Translator's Notes

  1. T/N: 양꼬치는 미미 is like if you're talking about lamb skewers, Mimi is the place.