Crown Prince

Secrets with Crown Prince 16

Secrets With The Crown Prince - Chapter 16

Hearing this, the woman looked at madman and Joseph alternately and smiled pretty.

She even made it look like something out of a fairy tale.


She couldn't do anything to create such an atmosphere with her mysterious appearance, which she had never seen before.


"Nice to meet you, Mr Didier. Last time you were at Lubiche's mansion? It's the first time I've seen her face. My name is Ena Knox Lubiche."


She lifted the hem of her dress and bowed her knees to greet her.


Joseph smiled embarrassedly.


Dohyuk never left the Lubiche mansion, so Joseph went to find Lubiche and dragged him out.


The Empress, who came out of the drawing room late just in time, paused for a moment when she saw them.


"What are you all doing here without leaving?"


Dohyuk, who had been preoccupied with his gaze at Bul-gi at the empress's gentle voice, raised his head.


"I was waiting for Ena."


Dohyuk looked at the bell with a pathetic face.


"You don't like me waiting?"


"Can I be honest with you?"


Bell asked, looking into the eyes of Joseph and the Empress.


Madman nodded his head with his eyes shining, and she answered without hesitation.


"It bothers me."


Pfft. The empress, who had been quiet, burst into laughter and looked at me with an embarrassed face.


Dohyuk looked at the bell with a very disappointed face.


"I've been waiting for you to take me to Lubiche's mansion. Isn't it normal to do this when you're dating?"




Again. Joseph looked at Dohyuk and Bell with a curious face.


Dohyuk also used an unknown way of speaking. Dohyuk often used words that did not come up even when he looked up all the dictionaries in the empire.


He usually didn't understand what Dohyuk was saying and treated him like a nerd.


Or, most of the young girls who wanted to please Dohyuk pretended to know him, but he was often ignored by Dohyuk.


Can you understand Dohyuk's bizarre way of speaking, no matter how small it is?


"What? Someone? Say something. Yes. We're not something. It's ssam. Stop bothering me and go home."


Surprisingly, Bell and Dohyuk communicated with each other.


Even Bell understood Dohyuk's speech and even responded with unexpected words.


"Is this my house?"


"I'm not saying that, but go back to that room. I'm going home too."


"Oh, don't you have my room in Lubiche? Well, that's my home now. Count Rubiche doesn't want to have a son-in-law? Think about it, Bell. You're going to give me a chance."


What son-in-law? Joseph looked at the bell with an interesting face.


Does she know this word too?


(T/N: they are talking in korean, the word for "son-in-law")


"What son-in-law? Do you know how harmful it is to our family's mental health just by having Cha Do-hyeok in Lubiche?


Again, the bell fully understood the word and answered.


"Then you're saying it's okay to be a son-in-law for now?"


To Dohyuk's question, Bell didn't answer.


However, Joseph read the next line that was not spoken from the expression of Young Lady, which was distorted like a crumpled piece of tissue paper.


"You're a very strange young girl."


At the empress's brief remarks, Joseph nodded his head blankly.


"So. How can I have a conversation with His Highness Reynolds?" 


* * *


 It was a time when the entire novel called <Friederica's Man> was at its peak.


The young girls who were always by Serine's side began to avoid her one by one.


I looked at the lonely back of Serine Young-ae, who was cleaning her desk by herself from afar.


"I don't have much sympathy. Serene's young lady. She's self-sufficient."


Armand, who was sitting at the entrance of the classroom and studying with me, said,  I leaned on her chin and laughed at her words.


That's right. Self-sufficient income.


And then, Serine, who I thought was far away, came and stood near us.


Armand jumped over behind her chair, startled, and a commotion echoed through the empty classroom.


"I know it's Young-ae. The only person who can do that is Young-ae."


Serine's little lady wasn't particularly outraged, she just spoke to me bluntly.


I looked at her as I raised armand.


It was clear she was talking about <Friederica's Man>.  Am I the only one who would do that?


Because of the character of Serine Young-ae, this may not be the first time she has been hated by others.


 "I don't know what you're talking about."


At my answer, Serine Youngae bit her lower lip.


I guess there must have been the words of Prince Verdi.


Otherwise, the nobles of Prince Verdi's forces could have spoken to the Marquis serine.


It's because I didn't actually join the Alpine newspaper, so if I did a background check, I could easily find out that the author of 'Kaden' was me.


"The author of the kaden is Lubiche Young Lady."


Serene's young Ae clenched her teeth and answered.  I was puzzled by her voice that even felt resentment.


She is the one who periodically manipulated my rumors by giving interviews or information to the Alpine newspaper.


Could she have done such a thing and never thought of getting such a counterattack?


Otherwise, it occurred to me that she might not have even intended to promote rumors about me.


For example, vain thoughts ran through my mind, such as that Prince Verdi was trying to bring me down as well, thinking that I was Prince Reynold's person.


 "Do you have any basis for thinking that way?"


Serine Young-ae hesitated for a moment before answering my question.


"I heard from His Highness Verdi."


She had expected. She was going to reveal her face after the finale anyway, so she didn't ask Gu Tae-ya, Director Hered, and she didn't know that her identity would be leaked so soon.


"If you think I'll just stay like this, you're wrong."


Serine Young-ae stared at me for a long time without answering, and then left the classroom with fierce steps. 

* * *

'What kind of relationship is there between the Crown Prince and Lubiche Youngae!?'


'Reporter Eleanor, who published a special article on Ruby's Young Ae, is pardoned?  The reason is the prince's threat!?'


'The past of Lubiche's Young Ae!  Let's dig deep!'


'Everything about the young Ae of the Marquis of Serene, the young Ae of Lubiche!'



The head of the Alpine newspaper, Hered, asked Serene Youngae for an in-depth interview, and she grabbed the bait.


And she cut me down with so much excitement.


The problem was my stepfather and Rioel who didn't know about this crafting.


After seeing Serine Youngae's interview, Rioel was very indignant.


When she heard the news, she asked Winters, the eldest son of the Marquis of Serene, to a duel, she says.


The problem was that Winters was a civil servant, not a military officer.


It is said that he was told that he was Prince Verdi's assistant, and he fearlessly shoved into the Winter's office in the Prince's palace and threw white gloves at his face.


If Argan hadn't visited and stopped her, she said, something really would have happened to me.


Of course, the source who told this story was Armand, a cute squirrel.


Everyone around me seemed to stop them from meeting me, but thankfully, Armand did not dwell on those words and decided to study for the exam with me after school.


But, even if he meant it, the situation was really serious.


As far as how serious the insults towards me and Chodoren were, the emperor personally called us to his office.


"I don't know when your Majesty's Majesty started paying so much attention to these things."


It wasn't like rebellion, but Chadorn looked directly at the emperor's face and answered with an expression that he didn't really understand.


Emperor, who was sitting across from the sofa in the office, let out a deep sigh.


Just looking at them, he seemed like a normal father to a son with a problematic child.


But now it seems to me that he is not really that kind of father, but he wants to look like that father.


So she had a feeling that he wanted the daughter-in-law to be a troublemaker and wanted to create the image of a benevolent father who took care of it.


"The two of us. I don't know what the relationship is, but it's better to stay away for the time being."


It's like, 'I'm against this marriage!'  It was like his father-in-law's line.


"The less public opinion about me, the better, His Majesty, isn't it?"




The emperor called out the name of Chowdern in a terribly subdued voice.


I suddenly felt itchy ass.  Oh.  I'd like to leave my seat.


"If the ruby body is also harmed, the story will be different."


I couldn't hide my absurd heart at the Emperor's words.


No, then you're saying that you agree with the previous statement, right?


Are you acknowledging that the worse the public opinion about the poor guy, the better for you?


"I wonder if you're really talking about Ena. Isn't it because the plan you were just trying to isolate me went wrong?"


Choodorn responded more calmly than expected.


However, the words he spit became so sharp that even the person sitting next to me couldn't stand it.


And seeing my eyes like that, Choedorn sighed and got up from his seat.


"If you've been called to talk like this, we'll just leave."


Chadorn reached out towards me.


I glanced at the emperor, looked at the maids and aides who were standing around, and then I got up from my seat holding the hand of Chardorn.


"Young-ae. I'll give you some advice."


The emperor, who was leaning on the sofa with the eyes of a very relaxed beast, said to me, unlike a while ago.


"You'd better get away from Claude."


The eyes looking at me were terribly cruel.  It looked as cunning as a snake, and it was even terrifying.


It seemed like he would be hunted helplessly after stepping on it.


The emperor's interest in Chadorn was a bit non-ideal.


It felt as if he was looking at Chadorn as his possession, not as a person, but as his instrument.

What is this non-ideal obsession?


I frowned and looked at the side face of the sullen for a moment. I had no idea what he was thinking.


"Thanks for the advice."


Although I had no soul, I bowed my head toward the emperor with a moderately polite attitude.


"Isn't that your real dad?"


 As I was leaving the Imperial Palace, I asked Chodorn and shut my mouth again.

"I'm sorry. That was a rude question."

“Even I want to deny it, but it would be terrifying for others to see.”


My heart also became uncomfortable with the bitter murmuring of Choedorn.


"I apologize on my behalf. Don't mind what the Emperor says."


Then he smiled and gently stroked my hair. The emotions drenched in his expression were so normal that he couldn't tell if he was hurt or something.


I couldn't even find the right words of consolation, so all I could do was nod my head.


Dear readers, this is Ness the new TLer for SWCP. I know the quality of the previous translations hasn't been to your expectations, I saw the comments and I hear you guys, I'm trying my best to provide the best of the best and I'm always open to suggestions and corrections.If you like my work it would mean the world to me if you buy me a Kofi Muah